Interested in Helping Us?
Egham Constellations is very fortunate to have a group of volunteers who give up their precious time to assist our members access our swim sessions. We could not function without their help.
We are always looking for more helpers so that we 'run smoothly like a well oiled machine'. The only thing you need is the willingness to give some time and join in, we will teach you anything else you need. We understand that everyone juggles their commitments in life and sometimes something crops up that means that they need to relinquish one of the commitments. This is why we try to ensure that our volunteers are comfortable to perform several different roles in case they need to cover someone who is not there.

Still Interested?
Our dedicated Assisted Swimming sessions happen every TUESDAY at EGHAM ORBIT pool, even during school holidays.
The only exceptions are for our AGM, when the leisure centre is closed, and for a week over the Christmas holidays.
For more details visit the Egham Orbit website:
Our swim session is 11.30am - 1.00pm.
The best way to decide to join us is come along and see what we are all about.

So how can you help?
We gather in the foyer from about 10.45am onwards, with members starting to make their way to change from 11.00am, ready for a 11.30am start.
¬ Most of our members are independent when changing but need assistance with such things as:
having doors opened
having bags carried to and from changing rooms/lockers
having their locker key fastened/unfastened on their wrist
having items given to them when showering
having their locker number read from their wristband
being guided to the changing rooms/pool side
¬ A few members need some assistance when changing such as:
having help removing/putting on their clothes
having help to stand/transfer
having help showering/drying off
being pushed in a pool wheelchair to/from the pool side
¬ A few members need greater assistance when changing such as:
being pushed in a wheelchair to/from the changing room
being hoisted to/from a changing bed
being changed before/after swimming
having help showering/drying off
being pushed in a pool wheelchair to/from the pool side

Helping in the pool
The majority of members swim/exercise in the warmer training pool (1.2m) and some swim/exercise in the main pool (1.2m and 1.8m). So you do not need to be a strong swimmer, just able to be in the water to assist. We are supervised throughout by Egham Orbit lifeguards.
Members and Volunteers enjoy each others' company. They chat and exercise together and often become very good friends.
Members need a variety of assistance such as:
being guided in the water whilst swimming
being supported with noodles and moved through the water
being encouraged and helped to move their limbs/torso
being supervised and encouraged to perform some exercises
Exercises may be the member's own or ones suggested by our swimming therapist.

How can we help you?
We give training in the following:
Guiding a visually impaired person on land and in the water
Hoisting an individual in/out of the pool into a pool chair
Hoisting an individual on/off a changing bed into a wheelchair
Changing an individual on a changing bed
Changing an individual using handrails and a wheelchair
Supporting an individual in the water
Exercising an individual’s limbs/torso in the water
Manoeuvring an individual safely in a pool chair
We will arrange your DBS clearance free of charge, which you can use in other roles.
And of course, volunteering will help your CV, as well as being very rewarding.

So what next?
Download our Volunteer Registration Form, complete it and e-mail it to:
or phone :
Pauline Carter on 01344 845787 to be given our postal address.
Any Questions?
Please contact:
Jonathan Fisher (Chairman) 01784 435622
Pauline Carter (Treasurer/Secretary) 01344 845787
We aim to make your volunteering rewarding, sociable and fun.